our mission
Becoming rooted together in Jesus, and bringing abundant life in our community.
meet - grow - serve - go
Sunday, February 9th
before and after both services
On February 9th, come to service early or stay after for the World Tour. There will be displays throughout the halls and fellowship area portraying the countries where our church has gone on mission trips. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to talk with those who have served abroad.

Sunday February 16th
11:30 a.m.
Everyone is invited to a Society Meeting on Sunday, February 16th after second service. Come hear how God is working in the church, and get a preview of what God is calling us to in the future.
On that same Sunday, members will vote in the Board of Ministry and Annual Conference Delegate elections in between services, from 10 - 10:30 a.m., and after second service, before the Society Meeting begins. Information about our candidates will be coming soon!