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our mission

Becoming rooted together in Jesus, and bringing abundant life in our community.

meet - grow - serve - go 


9:00 a.m. Traditional

10:30 a.m. Contemporary

with kids programming


The 9 a.m. service is also available on 89.3 FM. The 10:30 service is streamed on Facebook and YouTube.

grow in a group

We want to help you connect with God, the church, and your purpose.



Sunday, January 19 from 5-7 p.m. 


Join Pastor John and Pastor Ryan for a training specifically designed to teach us how to lead a small group in alignment with our mission and values here at The Arbor.  Whether you currently lead a small group or are feeling a nudge in that direction, sign up and attend our Group Leader Training. Light snacks will be served so eat dinner before arriving and come ready to learn. 


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of His church.

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