Build my church 40-day devotional
A Note from Pastor John Lane
Welcome to our 40 Day prayer and devotional guide. Our hope is that through this intentional 40 day focus, we the people of The Arbor will be renewed by the Spirit of God as individuals and as a congregation.
Athletes will tell you that there comes a point in the midst of a race or game when their exhaustion turns to rejuvenation. It is called "getting your second wind". When your second wind comes, your weariness is turned to energy and a boost of strength enters your body.
Scientists theorize that after 15 minutes of exercise either your body releases pain-relieving endorphins or it moves from expelling excessive carbon dioxide and begins taking in more oxygen. However it works, when you exercise long enough, you actually begin feeling better.
This is renewal.
In spiritual terms, when God begins to do something new in us as individuals or a body, it can often feel exhausting. Things we have relied upon change. Our routines are disrupted. Our long standing purpose is adjusted. We find ourselves worshipping in the gym.
But eventually, you get your spiritual second wind. We find this happening to the early believers in Acts 4. After a time of persecution and hardship, the Lord re-fills the believers with the same Spirit they experienced at Pentecost.
As we prepare to begin worshipping in our renovated Worship Center, our prayer is that God would renovate us as well. We need a fresh encounter with the Lord and a renewed spirit. We need our second wind.
40 different leaders from The Arbor have prepared a devotional thought on a single verse about renewal. May the Lord refresh your heart as you work your way through this devotional.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21​
Week 4 (September 30 - October 6)