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what we believe

❖ We want God’s Word to be the standard and authority for all we do.


We recognize, however, that there are a variety of interpretations of scripture even within the Body of Christ. At some point, we will encounter theological differences with Christians from other churches and our own. When this happens, we fully embrace the old axiom: In the essentials, unity (Ephesians 4:4-6); in the non-essentials, liberty (Romans 14); in all things, charity (1 Corinthians 13:2).  For instance, Free Methodists have an open position on eschatology (end times), meaning there is a variety of thought that Free Methodist leaders, scholars, pastors and members may hold on interpreting that issue.


Doctrine and Theology


The Four Pillars


Every church, denomination, or ministry family has certain hallmarks that distinguish it from others. Let’s understand four key theological pillars about the Free Methodist Church.


❖ HOLISTIC Biblical Exegesis


The best theology is one that attempts to deal with the whole counsel of God’s Word rather than building a theology of personal preference around isolated portions of Scripture.


❖ Wesleyan-Arminian THEOLOGICAL heritage


As a Free Methodist church, Spring Arbor upholds a distinctively Wesleyan-Arminian theology. On the continuum of Calvinism to Arminianism, ‘Wesleyan – Arminian,’ holds to the scriptural truths of both sovereignty and free will.  In short, we see that the mystery and majesty of God’s sovereignty is so great that it includes man’s true free moral agency – the actual ability to choose.


❖ Emphasis on HOLINESS


The pursuit of holiness, what we often call transformation by the Holy Spirit,  has been a central focus since the Holiness Revival movements of the 1800’s that gave birth to the Free Methodist Church.


❖ Concern for the POOR


One of the truest evidences of a healthy church is its concern and care for those who are in need.  This was clearly a primary concern for God in the Old Testament and Jesus in the New Testament (Matthew 25:34-46).


The Gospel and Salvation


It’s crucial that we have an agreed understanding of the gospel, because it is the primary essence of what we share as a family united in Christ. 


  1. God created me to have a relationship with Him (Ephesians 1:4-5).

  2. Man’s sin separates him from God (Romans 3:23) and results in eternal separation from God in hell (Romans 6:23).

  3. Jesus Christ saves us from our sin! The Son of God died on a cross to defeat sin (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) and rose from the dead to defeat death (Acts 2:24).

  4. This salvation is a gift that is offered to everyone (John 1:12). It cannot be earned (Ephesians 2:8-9).

  5. Each of us must individually believe in Him and receive the gift of salvation He offers us (Romans 10:9).

The Arbor Church is part of the Free Methodist Church USA. More about what we believe

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