Go Deeper
Sermon Questions
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​January 12, 2025
Impact: Acts 8
Scripture - Acts 8:1-25
1. How did God use the persecution that broke out against the church to advance his gospel?
2. What comes to your mind when you think of the word "magic" or "sorcery"? Where do you see it today?
3. Read Acts 8 - do you think that Simon was sincere in his faith early on and what do you think tripped him up?
4. What are some examples of "magical" or "manipulative" or "gnostic" thinking/acting that has nothing to do with magic or sorcery? How do people try to control their world through power?
5. What might there be from your past life that God is calling you to give up? What ways of thinking or acting? How is he rewiring your operating system?
January 19, 2025
Impact: Acts 8 - Ethiopian Eunuch
Scripture: Acts 8:26-40
1. What does it mean to pursue God? What does it look like in your life?
2. What evidence do we have from Acts 8 that the Ethiopian Eunuch was pursuing God?
3. How did God answer his pursuit?
4. Why didn't God just appear to the Ethiopian Eunuch himself? And what do we learn about how God acts from his sending Philip to the Ethiopian man?
5. What is the Lord calling you to do in pursuing him in a greater way?